Spread Holiday Cheer with a Good Old Fashioned Snowbrawl Fight!

Arrives December 21st!

Deck the Brawls with flying Snowballs! Picture this: it’s a crisp day in Knockout City; your icy breath hangs in the air as you make your way outside. You listen closely to the soft, gentle sounds of falling snow all around you. You stoop down to gather some snow, and you relish the pleasant feeling of crunching it between your dodgeball gloves, packing it all around until you’ve got a satisfyingly spherical shape. You test its weight in your hand before reeling back your throwing arm. You fling it forward and hear it make contact with a satisfying thwack! You’ve barely got time to gloat before something cold and wet makes contact with your face and sends your head spinning. They got you! You’re out of snowballs! Time to reload!

Snowbrawl Fight

Set down that hot cocoa and grab a buddy because it’s time to warm up to go out in this brawling blizzard! You’ll go up against two other duos in this limited-time 2 vs 2 vs 2 playlist. Get ready to really pack in the hits because you can hold up to 6 snowballs! Catching snowballs will replenish your reserves, but lob one into a wall or score a direct hit and it’ll *poof* back into snowflakes!Make sure to PASS them to your teammate for the perfect sneak attack! Snowballs deal half damage, but award points for every HIT you make! First team to 50 points wins the round; win two rounds to win the match.

Snowbrawl Contracts

Time waits for snow man, so get out there and show snow mercy as you blow through these Snowbrawl Contracts. It’s 2 vs 2 vs 2, so get yourself a teammate who’s not a real flake, team up and ice out your opposition to complete all 12 Contracts. The first ten Snowbrawl contracts will award Winter Tickets, which you can redeem in the Winter Hat Shop. Complete any 5 Contracts to unlock Epic Player Icon: Snow Brawl. Complete 10 Contracts to be awarded the Epic Ultimate Throw: Present. You’ve got until the event ends on Jan 4th at 12pm UTC to check them off, but hurry because that’ll be here in snow time!

Winter Hat Shop

Get your mittens on the perfect cozy hat to keep your ears from falling off. Think we’re kidding? Freeze things happen! Trade in your Winter Tickets for cute hats to cover your noggin like the Reindeer Rack, or strut around like the gift to dodgebrawl that you are with the Big Bow Hat. Once you’ve got your head covered (literally), make sure to deck out your Crew with the Sleigh Bells Crew Horn, or wrap up your Crew Vehicle of choice in holiday paper! Refresh your Energy Drink inventory, and scroll all the way to the end for a one time chance to trade in your Winter Tickets for 200 Holobux!

Snowbrawler Bundle

Ole Frosty aint got nothin’ on this, and they probably can’t catch either. But that raises the question: When one is made of snow, does that mean when you toss a snowball you throw… yourself? Don’t freeze up on me here, get the entire Snowbrawler Bundle for over 35% off when bought as a bundle! Includes the Legendary Snowman Outfit, Gloves, Face, and Christmas Cracker Pops KO Effect.

Spread Holiday Cheer

Don’t be a cotton headed ninnymuggins, get your first look at Snowbrawl Fight tonight at 5:30pm ET on our official Twitch channel! We’ll be joined by Narrative Director, Eric and other members of our Dev team for some good old fashioned fun!

Look into the Snow Globe

In the weeks leading up to this announcement, we knew there’d be a bunch of wild predictions about our Holiday event, which has been in production for literally years. What we are consistently amazed by is the accuracy in which the community predicts certain items. Like this one:

Thanks to Subliminal Owl in our official Discord for this incredible drawing including the hat that looks suspiciously like our Paper Crown Hat. Seriously: I need to know who at Velan is leaking these things. We’re gonna have a nice… chat. Where I promise* not to beam you in the face with a snowball.

*I do not promise.

Lynn Richter
Ethernet Cable Cult Leader