Bedtime Schmed-time: It’s Time to Break Curfew!

Midnight Madness Rises on August 23rd!

The City of Tomorrow is coming to a close; why not go out with an all-nighter bash? Let’s groove and brawl under starry skies in the upcoming final event of Season 6: Midnight Madness!

Midnight Madness rises like a glowing full moon on August 23rd. Here’s hopin’ you accept your party invite!

Crew Contract Rewards

Under the mysterious glow of a full moon, your opponents won’t know what hit ‘em! Become a dauntless Dodgebrawler (and rack up rewards) by completing Crew Contracts this Midnight Madness. 

  • Complete 3 Crew Contracts to unlock the Legendary This City Never Sleeps Crew Banner!
  • Complete 5 Crew Contracts to unlock a Crew XP Boost for Season 7!

Incoming: Bundle!

We can all rest easy knowing the brawlers in black are on patrol. And for 2100 Holobux, you can join the force against cosmic invaders yourself! The KOC Defense Force Bundle packs a powerful, protective punch. Strike fear in the hearts of evil extraterrestrials (and put the phrase “Fashion Police” to practice) with the Epic Earth Defense Outfit and Tactical Glasses!

  • Epic Outfit: KO City Defense Force
  • Epic Glasses: Tactical Glasses
  • Legendary MVP Pose: KO’d UFO
  • Rare Crew Banner: KO Defense Force
  • Rare Crew Logo: Sniper Ball

Upcoming Playlists

We asked, and you answered! The featured Playlist for Midnight Madness is always Players’ Choice, and this time the majority of you brawlers have voted for Superpowers: Power Grab! Check out the full Playlist schedule for the final week of Season 6 here:

Community Hub

Dodgebrawl wouldn’t be the sport it is without the community that surrounds it! Check out how you can be involved, and what brawlers have been up to lately, in Community Hub . . . 

Did Someone Say . . . BONUS??

Midnight Madness isn’t the only thing to get excited for tomorrow! Close readers of the Chronicle (and followers of the Knockout City Twitter) already know, but in case you missed it: the Knockout City dev team will be going live for a bonus Twitch stream on August 23rd!

The August 23rd bonus Twitch stream will open with the premiere of a new audience award show, The Dodgems! Tune in to see if your Dodgems fanart or gameplay submission is showcased during the stream.

Hang around after the awards to catch the rest of the stream, wherein top finalists from the Midnight Knockout Tournament will go head to head with our dev team! Who do you think will win the day??

It’ll be a night to remember, brawlers! Turn on notifications for Knockout City on Twitch, to get an alert when our dev team goes live.


Azaela is a brawler with a skilled eye for design and a true talent for visual art! In this fanart piece, titled “Classic Chonk”, Azaela has captured the cutest KO City Citizen of them all: Chonky the armadillo! Azaela says about “Classic Chonk” . . .

“I drew this Chonky fanart as part of a contest Zeppy64 held in a KO City fan artist discord. And so I decided to recreate Chonky in my current style.”

You’ve done our little rolly-polly pal proud, Azaela. Keep up the incredible work!

Our second featured artist is bringing their A-game!

Maren showcases their brawler’s muscular moves in this fanart piece, featuring the Boomerang Ball. Maren says about their work . . .

“I made it to enter the art challenge from the official KO City team where we had to make a drawing based on the latest season. So I drew my brawler with the special new ball that was added.”

Well done, Maren!

How’s about some fanart that really sticks the landing? Our next piece, “Runaway Ball”, comes to us in sticker form from artist Hank0nTank!
Hank0nTank shared a bit about the making of this piece . . .

“Whenever I was in art class, we had some free time to do basically whatever we want. So I found some sticker paper and drew a KO City dodgeball and bam, slammed on my folder for display, some people really liked it.”

With work like this, Hank0nTank is set to get an A+ in art!

DJ’s Video Pick of the Week

And now, a word from our DJ:

What’s bouncin’, brawlers? It’s your Main Moon Man the DJ here, spinning the tracks while you dish out the whacks on the streets of Knockout City! I’m interrupting the beats of this broadcast to briefly share a singular shoutout. There’s a brawler out there by the name of Nick Baker who sure knows how to tell a cinematic story! In this video, Nick has added Jerma (folks are familiar with Jerma from Twitch) into KO City.

The timing, the technical achievement, the talent…oh my! Nick, you’ve got a movie masterpiece on your hands. But that’s enough blabberin’ from me: sit back, relax, and give this movie marvel a watch . . .

The Grand Finale

This has been another edition of the Knockout City Chronicle!

As always, check out Knockout City on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube and TikTok to meet new brawlers, see awesome content, and stay up to date with every piece of news coming down the pipeline! For merch and more, check out this link

See you all tomorrow in Midnight Madness!

Grace Vaughan
Associate Social Media Manager