Heatwave Summer Sun Sets, Midnight Moon Rises Next!
Sayin’ a sad “so long” to summer can dip ya down in the dumps, no doubt. One last ice cream, one last sun-bathing session on the Hideout’s roof, one last roll around KO City in your Crew Vehicle with the windows down and the AC pumpin’!
Yup, summer’s comin’ swiftly to a close, and so too must Heatwave 2022 – the event you could fry an egg on. Soaking up those last few shining summer sunbeams is bittersweet, even to the most stoic of brawlers . . .
But I’ve got news that’ll have your mood bouncin’ back! The end of Heatwave 2022 brings us ONE step closer to our next event: MIDNIGHT MADNESS! And then…?
. . . but, uh, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, shall we?
As the summer sun sets on Heatwave 2022, let’s brawl before the clock strikes MIDNIGHT!
Crew Contract Rewards
Show off your Crew’s style in epic swag while heralding your powerful presence with a legendary horn with Week 12’s Crew Contract rewards:
- Complete 3 Crew Contracts to unlock the Epic Crew Banner: Energy Indulgence!
- Complete 5 Crew Contracts to unlock the Legendary Crew Horn: Harp on It!
Featured Bundle!

Can you catch this throwback?? Dust off your old console and start up your favorite low-poly game from WAY WAY back in the day, with this week’s featured Bundle: Retro Rumbler! For 2100 Holobux, the Retro Rumbler bundle comes with a bountiful bevy of exclusive items, sure to supply surges of nostalgia!
- Rare Glasses: Dealt with It
- Legendary Gloves: Throwback
- Legendary Face: Faceted Face
- Legendary Outfit: Retro Rider
Upcoming Playlists
Down a few Energy Drinks and start poundin’ the pavement, brawler – you’ve got a jam-packed schedule.
Featured this week is Double Team Elimination: the ultimate doubles match! Check out the rest of what Season 6 Week 12 has in store:

Community Hub
Community Hub is probably my favorite portion of the Knockout City Chronicle! Let’s lace up and jog through . . .
Our first featured work is a fanart piece of two casually-chic brawlers chilling out on a park bench, sharing a listen to some tunes. Any chance they might be tuning in to the DJ’s broadcast? Or maybe catching one of the latest singles released by The Soundlings? This piece, aptly titled “Good Vibes and Enjoying Their Lives”, is brought to us by artist MsPew.
Can’t wait to see more from ya, MsPew!

It’s an underwater kaleidoscope by artist and brawler FloofyDraws! From their fiery red hair to their aquamarine nail polish, this brawler has made a striking impression on me…one rainbow color at a time! Could this be a still from an Energy Drink commercial in the world of Knockout City? I suppose that’s up to the sleuths in our Discord’s lore channel to decide.
FloofyDraws says the following about their piece, titled “Diving into Knockout City's Heatwave”:
“It was an homage to the memories of the first Heatwave event back in 2021 and I wanted to recreate that with the newer style it creates to this event! The Gremlin takes a dive into the event, cooling down in the pool with her favorite orange overcharge on the go!”
Well done, FloofyDraws!

Ever see a meme that just…speaks to you? This piece by Artemis has likely been texted in brawler group chats far and wide at this point, accompanied by the single word: “relatable”. The Heatwave 2022 event may have left our brawlers sweat-soaked and panting, but this meme? Cool as ICE. Also, I mean, who can resist a Spongebob reference? Keep up the mesmerizing memery, Artemis!

The Dodgem Awards

August 16th is your LAST DAY to submit to The Dodgems! If you read the last Chronicle (Brawlers Bellow and Holler for Heatwave), you’re already savvy to this intel. For all you Knockout Newcomers, here’s a repeat of these dodgy deets . . .
On August 23rd, we’ll be hosting a special bonus stream on our Twitch featuring top finalists for the upcoming Midnight Knockout tournament. Our pre-show will be a community awards segment we’re calling “The Dodgems!”
Want fame, fortune, and 500 Holobux? Then serve up your best Season Six themed fanart and gameplay clips on Twitter! Tag Knockout City on Twitter, then add #kocitydodgemawards and your chosen category to the post body to enter. Finalists will win 500 Holobux and get their work featured LIVE on our August 23rd stream!
Without further ado, here are your categories! ⤵⤵⤵
Gameplay Clips:
- Biggest Boomerang Ball Play
- Best Dodgebrawl Blooper
- The Backpack Award for Hardest Carry
- Super Science
- Knockout City Deep Lore
- Brawlers in Action
Submissions close on August 16th, so share your work by then!
Additional Details:
- Submissions close tomorrow, 8/16. Be sure to submit today if you haven’t already!
- Submissions that do not name a category or do not adhere to the submission guidelines may be rejected.
- Submissions must be all-ages appropriate to be considered for a finalist award.
- Gameplay clips and fanart may be submitted for one category at a time.
- Gameplay clips should not exceed 30 seconds.
- Participants may submit an entry in multiple categories (and may even be a finalist in multiple categories), but may only receive one 500 Holobux prize.
- Finalist selection will be made internally by a panel of Velan staff.
- Reach out to Velan – DexTheThird on our Discord for any additional questions.
Thanks, brawlers! Good luck!
DJ’s Video Pick of the Week
And now, a word from our DJ!
"Great balls of FIRE! Or should I say, cool cool H2O? Brawler @sarknessvg shared this combat clip to TikTok, and I’m still in recovery from the shockwaves! Hovering out over the precipice, so close to demise, then – BLAMMO! – propelling themselves back onto solid ground with precision and ease, all while fending off the opposition. Sarknessvg: your liquid flow is what Water Balloon Fight is brrraaawwll about!"
The Grand Finale
As much fun as it is to talk with you, brawler, I’m gunna have to head out! Work’s a waitin’! And you? You’ve got matches to win, names to take, trophies to score, and cosmetics to catwalk!
As always, check out Knockout City on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to meet new brawlers, see awesome content, and stay up to date with every piece of news coming down the pipeline! For merch, tournament sign-ups, the KO City Twitch and YouTube channels and SO much more, check out this link.
Thanks BRAWL for now, KO City Citizens. See ya soon!