Where Do You Find Statues of Great Brawlers?
Good morning Knockout City? You know, week in and week out, I supply you with premium brawlin’ puns, for free! Just look at this week’s headline. It’s gold! It’s even timely! What more can you ask for! What's that? Holobux? Get outta here! I got a Chronicle to write.
Crew Contracts
This week’s Crew Contract rewards are:
Complete any 2 Crew Contracts and get: Epic Crew Vehicle: Bio Glow
Complete any 4 Crew Contracts and get: Epic Crew Logo, Paper Star
Complete all 5 Crew Contracts and get a 5% XP Boost that lasts the whole season!
Yup. Nothing strange about that Crew Vehicle at all. Nope, just a standard UFO. Definitely isn’t covered in lab-grown flesh and bio implants or anything. I’m sure it’s fine. Yeah. Fine.
Ball Crawl Week 2
It’s week 2 of Ball Crawl, which means we’re sending out the spicy combos! Let’s spin the Wheel of Whacks and see what’s in store this week!
This is your last week to finish up those Ball Crawl contracts and earn all that fabulous XP, so don’t delay, try Ball Crawl today!
Here is your Daily Playlist Rotation:
Thanks to DeadAsl33p in our Discord for sharing this fantastic drawing of their brawler!
That’s Brawl, Folks!
Alright, you’ve been a good audience, so here’s a bonus pun for you: how many cats does an IT person have?
5 or 6